Friday, February 13, 2009

Inch by Inch

How close can I get to Mommy? She laid me on my tummy on this mat beside her, but if I roll over, and then push with my feet I should be able to get pretty close to her... She'll never be able to focus on those papers if I smile up at her!

5 Months Old

Mena's now 5 months old. She weighs about 16 pounds according to our home scale. She averaging 30 ounces of formula per day. We tried rice and barley cereals but both constipated her so she is back on an all liquid diet. We'll try solids again when she's a little older. The biggest change this month is that we've moved her into her own bedroom. She's falling asleep around 8 pm and then we wake her up around 5:30 or 6 am to get ready for daycare. On the weekends she falls asleep around 8 pm and wakes up on her own around 7 am. It's nice when she lets us sleep in a little.

Her hand-eye coordination is improving.

Her neck and arm strength is growing.

She's frequently flashing the melt-your-heart smile that she's perfected.

Fast Friends

Emmy Lou and Mena are becoming good friends. Mena now reaches out to pet Emmy Lou. Emmy Lou is extremely gentle with her. One day Mena got her fingers into Emmy Lou's mouth and all Emmy Lou did was lick her fingers. I'm glad we got her so well trained before I ever got pregnant with Mena!

Dancing with Daddy

Gene was singing and dancing with Mena.
She was gazing right at him, but when I got out the camera
she started making funny faces at me!

Laughter Runs in the Family

I always thought (and still do actually) that my mother was the funniest person I knew.
I'm off to a great start of Mena thinking I'm funny just like her grandma!

Mommy's Recliner

Mena enjoys Mommy's recliner as much as Mommy does. Mostly they rock together, but sometime she sits in it by herself while Mommy's doing stuff in her room.

Road Trip

In January we visited Great Grandma & Papa Olson.
We also visited Great Grandma Frye and Aunt Sherri,
but I forgot to pull out my camera when we stopped at their house.