Friday, April 27, 2012



Mena is getting really good at walking the balance beam (railroad ties around the playground).  Maggie was eating broccoli with dip and asking for more!
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Branched Oak


We drove out to Branched Oak to eat a picnic supper and see where would be a good place to go camping with our tent.  Notice my dare-devil daughter on the first step while Mena is going down the slide.  Maggie waited for me and I helped her go down the big slide just like her big sister.  There was no baby swing so I sat Maggie on the big girl swing and she did GREAT!  She held on tight and enjoyed the ride--her knuckles were nearly white from holding on so tight :)
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Lincoln Zoo


Maggie walked the entire hour we were in the zoo.  She got tired about the time we were leaving and I carried her to the car.  This really is a perfect size zoo for kids this age.
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Dinner Time


I got a new phone and took these pictures at dinner time.  The camera seems ok.  The following pictures at the zoo (outdoors) turned out better than these (indoor) pictures.  Overall a good camera on my phone to use when I forget the good camera.
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Cousins Swinging

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Plastic Egg Hunt


Grandma and Grandpa hid plastic eggs filled with candy for the grandkids to find.  At the end a monarch landed on Maggie's back.  At the end of the egg hunt we hadn't found 2 of the eggs that they hid.  When I got home, we found one of the two eggs on the back of my truck.  It rode all the way from Louisville to Lincoln!
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Mena and Maggie enjoyed watching the geese.  Mena was brave enough to get that "close" to them :)  Maggie was stuck in the stroller other wise she probably would have tried to go swimming with the geese.  My second daughter have very little if any fear!
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Easter Bunny!


The Easter Bunny left each of the girls a pair of sandles and some bunny glasses.  Mena told me with indignation, "The Easter Bunny throwed our eggs, Mom!"  I think the cracks in some of the eggs made Mena think they'd been thrown when those cracks had been there since we dyed them.  Maggie was very intent on getting the egg into the little hole instead of the rounded cup for each egg.  Not sure why, but she tried to put multiple eggs into the little holes when she brought them to me.
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Camping Easter Weekend


During the day the weather was pretty nice.  The nights were cold so instead of setting up my tent, the girls and I slept in my parents' camper.  Thanks Mom/Grandma and Dad/Grandpa!!
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